Tag: funding (Page 2 of 2)

“One Oar in the Water”

Daniel Kolomeets-Darovsky is an Environmental Finance Analyst with the Environmental Finance Center.

stephen schiller / Free Photos


Defining a resilient business model for water utilities is no easy task in a time of unprecedented economic conditions, scare capital, and increasingly volatile environmental conditions. Everything seems to fly in the face of it, let alone the necessary informational foundation needed to see what’s really going on behind-the-scenes. How do we even know, for instance, that residential water use is declining in a place like North Carolina? What about how well your local utility is running its business, as measured by money it takes in versus money it spends (operating revenues versus operating expenditures)?

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Finding the Right Grant for State and Tribal Wetland Programs

Glenn Barnes is a senior project director at the Environmental Finance Center at the University of North Carolina.  Glenn is the project manager of the Sustainable Finance for Wetland Programs project funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

If I am leading a workshop or giving a presentation on any environmental finance topic, most likely at some point these five words will leave my mouth: “Grants are not sustainable finance.”

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